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- Written by Super User
- Category: Pages
- Hits: 8200
Write for The Expat
Here at the Expat.com, we pride ourselves on our strong community built on shared experiences and knowledge to help make every day of your expat adventure the best it can be.
We would love to invite you to submit your articles and write-ups on places you have been, opportunities you have discovered, things that have made your life easier, and all the things you love, and maybe don’t love, about living and working outside your home country.
We have probably all felt isolated, a little bit lost, or maybe even overwhelmed at times; one of the great aspects of sharing your exploits with the expat.com community is that you will be positively contributing to help rookie and experienced expats alike to get the very best out of their lifestyle while living abroad.
We are very interested to hear from you on any subject you feel you would like to write about; maybe the best neighbourhoods in your adopted country, recommended vacation spots with kids or finding your feet as a young professional, and share with your fellow expatriates. Simply submit your article for review by our editorial team, and we will get in touch with you.
Please note that this is not the place for commercial adverts or sponsored content, if you wish to promote a business, product, amenity, or service, this would need to be submitted to our advertisers’ page as advertorial content submissions do require payment. You can find out all about our promotional services by clicking here
Due to the volume of submissions we are unable to offer payment for your articles and cannot publish anything that promotes political or religious movements, contains offensive language or oppressive views relating to ethnicity, disability, gender, or minority groups.